The Bobcat is an amazingly versatile predator that co-exists in the same areas as its mighty cousin the Mountain Lion in our Southern California mountains. Follow the Wikipedia link in this sentence for details on the stealthy and secretive predator. Bobcat Videos In the video below a Bobcat ascends some boulders in a trail less canyon […]
The rattlesnake is native to the entire Southern California area, but lives primarily in foothills and desert environments. I have heard its rattle several times up close and it is indeed very loud. The snake almost never bites unless provoked, so if you see one maintain a safe distance. Although the bites are rarely fatal, […]
Mule Deer (Odocoileus Hemionus)
The Mule Deer is named for its large ears like those of a mule. This is a primary prey item for the Mountain Lion and fulfills an important place in the ecological chain. Follow this Wikipedia link for more information on the graceful and elegant animal. Mule Deer Videos On this video a deer captured […]
California Precipitation
As we all hopefully know by now, we are in the midst of a serious drought in Southern California, and actually in the state in general. Normal rainfall in Southern California – as measured by a Los Angeles measurement – is approximately 14.9 inches. Note that the last two years were well below average, at […]
California Wildfire Information Link
Fires are an integral part of the California chaparral ecosystem. The forest replenishes itself naturally through fire. Of course fires are damaging and dangerous as well, and for many years fires were not allowed to burn, which caused the forest undergrowth to become very dense, so that when a fire occurs in an area that […]
Big Tujunga Canyon Update
On Friday 7/18/14 I hiked down into the deep gorge of Big Tujunga Canyon in the San Gabriel Mountains. Big Tujunga Creek is one of the largest streams in the range, with a drainage area of 130 square miles, and because of this also flows year round. Note also that Big Tujunga Creek is a […]