Southern California Beginner Hikes
The map and table included below contain all the Southern California Beginner hikes from the different areas covered on this site.
Everyone has to start somewhere, no matter what the activity. These hikes offer easy access with parking at the trailhead, and also a nice combination of scenic value and easy to moderate terrain. Note that Southern California is blessed with a wonderfully diverse array of different types of terrain, so you can continue to find challenge and excitement in your hikes as your conditioning level improves.
And since our weather is so good we can hike all year! Another great feature of Southern California hikes is that we can have snow in the winter and nice weather down below, so we can drive to the snow, take a day hike, and drive home to sun and warmth.
You will want to do some preparation before you begin hiking, especially if you are hiking in the mountains. Mountains are beautiful and exciting, but must be respected as well. Please be sure to read Hiking 101 – Hiking for Beginners before you hit that trail – this page offers some tips and insights that will be helpful to you in your new endeavor. You may also find the Wikipedia entry on hiking useful and entertaining. Perhaps the most important information you can have is knowledge of hiking safety, so that you and your hiking companions remain safe. Also crucial to your new activity is knowledge and proper use of also of hiking gear. After you have done your initial research, pick one of the beginner hikes below and go for it. Now you have no excuse for not getting out there to start an activity that might change your life – hiking!